Busting Digital Myths
As technology advances, the use of smart phones has become an essential for people, ranging from kids to adults. Adults use smart phones to keep their children entertained while they are busy with work and teens and adolescents use smart phones to share their daily happenings with their friends on social media platforms.
However, kids are starting to request for a smart phone at a younger age nowadays. Parents are concerned about the use of smart phones at such a young age due to the dangers that are hidden online. They fear that their children may not be ready to deal with online dangers like being exposed to cyberbullying or sexting and much more. Parents' fears also include the worry that their children may be tracked down by online predators via their online addresses, their children's online friends may harm them and much more.
Dr Gwenn Schurgin O'Keeffe, one of the most highly sought after child healthy and cyber safety experts, has analysed these concerns in one of her posts in Pediatrics Now. She has shared that proper online education has to be conducted to prepare children for the online world, as dangers do not only come from the opposing party, their children could be the likely cause of such dangers as well. If you are interested in this topic, do read her article to find out more.
However, kids are starting to request for a smart phone at a younger age nowadays. Parents are concerned about the use of smart phones at such a young age due to the dangers that are hidden online. They fear that their children may not be ready to deal with online dangers like being exposed to cyberbullying or sexting and much more. Parents' fears also include the worry that their children may be tracked down by online predators via their online addresses, their children's online friends may harm them and much more.
Dr Gwenn Schurgin O'Keeffe, one of the most highly sought after child healthy and cyber safety experts, has analysed these concerns in one of her posts in Pediatrics Now. She has shared that proper online education has to be conducted to prepare children for the online world, as dangers do not only come from the opposing party, their children could be the likely cause of such dangers as well. If you are interested in this topic, do read her article to find out more.